August 22—25, 2011, Ghent, Belgium

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Technological developments in imaging, processing, and networking have created an opportunity for multi-disciplinary approaches to applications based on vision. The extensive availability and use of cameras in various application domains calls for the study of new embedded and distributed processing systems and algorithms. After the successful meetings in Vienna (2007), Stanford (2008), Como (2009) and Atlanta (2010), the fifth edition of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras will be held in the ancient and lively city of Ghent. The conference will attract researchers from multiple fields such as computer vision, pervasive computing, embedded systems and sensor networks. ICDSC 2011 will be co-located with Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (ACIVS 2011), a vision systems conference. Attendance to both conferences is possible by subscribing to one.  

Quality papers will be selected for a special issue of ACMs Transactions on Sensor Networks.


Smart camera and network architectures:
•Camera node architectures
•Image sensing techniques for smart cameras
Visual sensor networks:
•Resource management in camera networks
•Automatic reconfiguration of sensor networks
•Wireless and mobile image sensor networks
•Multi-modal sensor networks
Distributed computer vision and fusion:
•Distributed vision processing algorithms
•3D scene analysis
•Multi-view vision for HCI
•Distributed appearance modelling
•Multi-sensor data fusion
•Collaborative extraction, information fusion
Emerging applications and case studies:
•Vision-based smart environments
•Surveillance and tracking applications
•Distributed multimedia and gaming applications
•Position discovery and middleware applications
•Context-aware networks
•Sports and other emerging applications


Next to regular paper submission, the conference also invites researchers and industry-based developers to participate in a demo session and present their latest results in related areas. Written material can be submitted as a 2 page demo paper and will be published as well.
As with the previous editions, ICDSC 2011 will feature a PhD Forum where students present and defend their research topics and receive feedback from an academic jury. 2 page PhD forum submissions will be published as well.
All authors are invited to send in additional material such as images, videos, programs and schematics. Accepted papers will be published and catalogued at IEEEXplore.  Authors of high-quality articles will be invited to submit an extended version to ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks.



Paper submission deadline: 10-04-2011 (updated!)

PhD Forum and demo papers deadline: 19-06-2011

General chair: Richard Kleihorst, VITO NV and Ghent University, Belgium.

Local chair: Wilfried Philips, Ghent University, Belgium.

TPC chairs:
   Senem Velipasalar, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
   Andrea Prati, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy